Use for school research

Learn additional basic and advanced search techniques in this simple tutorial

We’ll walk through how to get resources for a solar system report that a younger student (perhaps working with a parent or teacher) might be assigned and provide a few tips for college students and more advanced researchers.

Getting started on a report: Simple searching

Get more specific with advanced searching

Here are some ideas for more advanced techniques to help with research for college-level work and above.

Unique formats
Reset the facet to non-juvenile material only and do a search on “pluto not a planet.” Among the types of formats available are “Thesis/dissertation.” This is one of the unique strengths of—the ability to search academic papers that are available in library collections. If you’re doing research and want to see new, original work that won’t be referenced elsewhere in web searches, theses are a good place to look. You can also try a search for “moon” and click on the format facet for “Map” to get to maps of the surface of the moon.

Open access materials
If you need a reference right now for that last-minute term paper, the “open access” facet is your friend. Search for “asteroid belt” with that facet selected, click on “The Main Belt Comets and Ice in the Solar System,” and you’ll be offered several choices to connect.

Online journals, articles, and other electronic materials
In some cases, you may find digital materials that you can get to with a few clicks as long as you have access through your local, school, or university library. To get to the actual material, you’ll need to follow the link and log in using your username and password or other credentials. In some cases, if it’s in a library you’re not associated with, you may need to contact the library directly (or ask for your librarian’s assistance) to see if it has a reciprocal arrangement with your library.